Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Random Week

This week is...I don't know. I cannot give my judgement because it's only Tuesday. There are still 5 days awaiting before I can say "This week. These 7 days I've lived through." But, in these 2 days, I just feel like crap. I get mad easily when I'm disappointed. I blow up when things just don't work as I want it to. I've become a grenade with victims are multiplying just because they unintendedly "touched" me. I've become a time-bomb that I just suddenly blow up anytime and anywhere.
Well, I can say that it's just the symptoms of PMS as I'm a fertile women. But I'm afraid if I have to say that it might be the symptoms of mood disorder. Oh yeah that sounds terrible =______=
Nope. It's only for these 2 exhausting days, right? Maybe tomorrow I'll get much better. Amen.
Still, I name it 'Random Week' because it's one week before we as university students have to face the "wow-it's a lil bit scary" UTS or Ujian Tengah Semester. So, I've predicted these week to be a "Galau Week", but I hope that I won't be "galau" too. I'm ready for the mid semester. Not that "ready" with an image of A-scores written on your exam paper, but it's more like that "ready" with a plain-face and empty hands. I'm ready to be whatever in my mid semester. I'm ready to have all those A-B-C possibilities -...-
Oh, c'mon girl. Be more optimistic.

Give me all those As, baby! :D
Wish me luck.

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