Jumat, 18 Mei 2012


There are moments when I am imagining of a place, a quiet place, far away from the chaos of the world. A place where I can live peacefully. A place where everything is always right, or, a place where there is no right or wrong. A green, small wooden tree house under the shady leaves, with the sun shines above and the birds sing happily. Drink the water of the falls, swim in the river (just assume that I can swim :p), and running over the hills.

Such a naive, I am, uh?

The worst thing of the best dream is that you know that it might never be a reality. The gap is just so high that you finally realize where you are and start thinking about everything that seems more pathetic for you. Then you open your eyes, facing the wall of your room, and back to the duties you have left to take just a few-minute-trip to the Heaven inside your head, which doesn't even exist.

Just my imagination. A massive cloud of imagination. But it's not gonna die. I'll find it someday. Maybe in the different shape. Peace is not only found in a quiet place. It's everywhere. In the crowded city, in the river banks, in...everywhere. Everywhere we are. Because peace is exist in ourselves, I guess. It's about seeing the green, small wooden tree house under the shady leaves in everywhere we are. It's about finding a tiny white spot in a black darkness. A minor miracle in ordinary life events.

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