Sabtu, 19 November 2011

About The So-Called "Self-Confidence"

Self-confidence for me, it's not to idol yourself and believe that you're the best in the entire world. It's more to accept yourself and believe that you can do things well with your own capacity. If you say that "Look, I'm the most beautiful girl in the world...noone else compares!" it's not a self-confidence; it means that you're a damn snob. But if you say, "I know I'm not beautiful but that's okay. I feel good with myself and I believe that I can do things well without being so consumed with beauty-thingies" then you have a good self-confidence. It can be possible that my concept of self-confidence ain't true, but I'm pretty sure of what I've said. Can I say that I've got a great bunch of self-confidence? LOL.
(Rismarini, 2011)

ditulis dengan membingungkan oleh orang yang bingung terhadap kebingungan yang membingungkan*

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